Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gagaism == Satanism

The Fall of Rome?
I think one needs to stress caution when talking about symbology. The Illuminati puts a lot of symbols into the media and conspiracy theorists point them out all the time. Yet, sometimes I feel this is just a ploy to keep the mind distracted with symbology instead of looking at the real things that they are doing to screw us, like the Federal Banking and endless wars. Nevertheless, when I saw this performance by Gaga, that combines the song 'born this way' and 'Judas' ( a song about Lucifer), I was taken aback. It's like seeing Rome come back from the gave to deliver a pagan ritual that fully envelopes the world we live in now, and maybe the world of Rome 2000 years ago before Jesus's friends shoved all this stuff under the rug, more or less.

To me this performance symbolizes the end times of this culture. A culture of secrecy that is to say. Not meny can see the similarities between this and hardcore paganism but a lot are waking up, faster then ever before. Soon people will look at this stuff and say: "Wow, and people didn't know this was all in worship of Lucifer?"  This culture may still exist in this coming world, that remains to be seen. However if Gagaism is still alive in the year 2020; I'm sure all her fans will be Satanists of some kind.

And everyone will know it.

Robert Steele P2P Uprising

They created the internet to control you, instead it will control them!

I understand that the Illuminati's plan has been in effect for more then 2000 years. Yet, I can't help but wonder how dedicated these people/monsters that know of these timetables really are to their faith. Most of them must be in it for the money, and some because they have a gun to their head. That doesn't seem like a good sign that people are dedicated to Lucifer's master plan. More then likely these con-men are going to start conning each other when the truth of what they have done starts to come to light.

It's going to be like one gigantic PR campaign that they will put into everything, to try and make you buy their crap but your just not going to have it and the system will eventually fall apart. Just you wait.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Alex Jones should be on FOX!

I love Alex Jones, he wakes up more people then anyone else. Sadly he is probably the greatest dis-info agent of all time.  Most belive he works for the Jesuits and I would tend to agree.

It's time for Alex Jones to take his rightful place on News World Order (I.E. Fox News) and become the real Glenn Beck that he is. They need the ratings, and in reality all Alex Jones dose is preoccupy people with fear so they don't do anything about the problem...

A few days ago he said WWIII was coming the same way he said in 2000 that the bombs are dropping! Now he says WWIII is the last 10 years of war in the middle east...  I could agree, but that's just an excuse to cover for being such a fear monger in the first place. In reality this mans job is to spread fear and cripple political action, don't play into his emotions. It's a trap, a real form of mind control that I fell victim to.

Definitely belongs on FOX News imo.

To give another prospective, lets Rap about it:

They nail Alex Jones, also notice there is no fear in the medium.
In other news the world is getting irradiated, the internet is not safe, the TSA is molesting people, Japan might need to be evacuated, The U.S. might trigger WWIII by it's own hypocrisy. They announced Planet X is real, and nobody seems to care. Genetically engineered crops have infected our way of life. Carbon Tax is a scam and...

Did you hear about Bitcoin?

Lulzsec, the probably government controlled hacking group, has declared war on all governments. After attacking the Bitcoin exchange MTGox 4-tah-lulz, they have set their sites on bigger targets. The CIA, the FBI, etc. Some members of Anonymous are going along with these planes and joining in the Lulz.

If successful we are likely to see a huge amount of goverment leaks in the coming weeks... specifically information that uncovers the stranger then fiction verity. But I doubt it.

More then likely this group is just going to keep releasing peoples user information, gaining mass hatred for hackers everywhere: forcing the government to regulate the internet of course.

Only time will tell, but Bitcoin is going to be key in fighting these Luciferin baby killers. If you ever wanted to fight the New World Order, this is a relatively low risk way to do it.