Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Illuminati got cought, big time.

There has been an interesting turn of events, the Dragon Family (there kinda like the Asian Illuminati) have apparently lunched a sting operation on the real Illuminati, and they fell for it (source). Now there is a real legal case filed that is essentially targeting the Illuminati, it's been signed by a judge and if this case goes anywhere it could tare down the entire financial tyranny.

For those that don't know this is a continuation of Benjamin Fulford's efforts to fight the Illuminati.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Party Power

Apperntly, a few day ago the world had the largest protest ever. Not really a big surprise, this was a known factor to most who fallow the Illuminati and have some fundamental understanding of what their plans are. Hopefully something good will come out of this, but I'm not optimistic. Parts of these protests have clearly been staged by the Illuminati and the cry's for socialism from ignorant overweight lesbians make me cringe at what's to come.

People seem to think that it's something new that Wall St. has control of our representatives in washington. To be precise, it is the Knights of Malta (Rockefeller, Rothschild, JP Morgen, BofA, Case, Wells Fargo, etc.) that have control of the Federal Reserve Banking System because they are it's share holders. The Fed is the bank that owns America; that's has been a fact since 1930.  Via the Fed, they control the economy by controlling the money supply. That's how Wall St. controls D.C.

Still our representatives are just a nefarious, even Ron Paul is a vatican supporter. You can't trust any of them.  So how is it even possible to have a soultion come out of this that is any good, when the entire system is built on lies? The difference between the truth and the lies has become indistinguishable. People think they are spewing truth to lies when in fact they are just propagating what someone else's message was. Even what I say is just based on the massive amount of information I keep digging up on the internet. I could be a dis-info agent!

But even if I'm not optimistic about these protests, I am optimistic about the future. The Illuminati will be exposed in my lifetime, I am sure of it. The only real question we need to answer is "What do we do when we win?" Someone once said "The only real vengeance is to live well." I think that is the idea, we need to make a world where everyone lives well: that would be the ultimate vengeance ageist the Illuminati.

In the mean time Gorge Sorose is paying for free pizza, so sit back, grab a snack and enjoy the show.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Cold Fusion is here, the main stream media is not.

3 days ago Cold Fusion was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. The implications of this are huge, yet the mainstream media isn't even covering it. At the same time Americans are taking to the streets in open protest of the Illuminati. The police apparatus has become too blatant and now everyone is feeling the urge for revolution. The illusion is broken and the American dream is dead, the Illuminait have nothing to hide behind but their guns and toy solders and that won't last them forever.

The only way for them to remain in power now is to throw us a bone and keep everyone happy so they can finish their plans. Or else they risk armed rebellion next. I have a feeling that the test with Andrea Rossi's cold fusion reactor and the current state of the economy are not coincidental. The Illuminati aren't really throwing us a bone here, they are just not trying to stop Andrea Rossi from completing his work. Free energy has been around since Tesla, but the Illuminati usually eliminates anyone with such an invention. This time they seem to have stepped back, letting the natural evolution to take place.

The idea is to keep us content with a new industrial revolution on a global scale. They will stay in power and we will be given the gift of being allowed to live; at lest that's the way they think about it. With limitless energy one can provide for the people of the world indefinitely. However, the Illuminati don't want to give what should be free to you for free. They plan to sell your right to live at the price of being their slave in their new world order.

Undoubtedly this will backfire, but it will backfire even worse if they don't allow this new energy revolution to happen. They have no choice but to give us the technology that will allow us to free ourselves or face the end of their own power rather abruptly. Seeing as the Illuminati are the last people on the face of the earth to do the stupid thing, when the stupid thing leads to the end of their own power. They will allow the energy revolution to happen, to keep themselves in power just a little longer.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's the Hour of the Time for Alex Jones:

I like Alex Jones

But I wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him.

Elvis on Acid

It's been awhile since I updates this blog but seeing as I decided to create a completely new blog I might as well give some goodies for the conspiracy theorist in me. How about some Elvis on Acid:

Unfortunately, the Illuminati is currently in power and there agenda is still going along as planned. Fortunately the best plans of mice and men go astray and at the moment when Rome seeks to rise it's cowardly head from the depths of that Vatican is when everything will just fuck up for them. I have no idea what's going to happen, but it has been foretold in prophecy that they will lose... totally somewhere it says that.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Note to Al Qaeda (AkA the CIA)

Cessna 172
The world is boring, we need another terrorist attack to strike fear into hearts of soccer moms and smart ass lawmakers. At this rate the people will figure out they are more likely to die from getting struck by lightning then in an actual terrorist attack! Yet Al Qaeda is a complete no show, where are the mind controlled jehad radicals to scare us into an Orwellian state?

Obviously the CIA is failing miserably at delivering staged threats to the nation, that's why I thought of one for them. Hopefully, the NSA or something will read this, because they read everything, and use my idea. Then again, I'm putting it all out in the open, and I don't think they even look there.

What the "terrorist" should totally try in their next terror plot, is modifying some Cessna 172's with mounted machine guns. Then use them like fighter attack planes to terrorize cities, local parks, city squares, etc. The advantage to this is that the Cessna is lightweight, and extremely common in the airways. It can fly at slow speeds and low altitude to get under the radar, and with carefully mastery of the Cessna hammerhead, one can very easily strafe attack a small area repeatedly, without putting themselves at a super high risk of getting shot themselves.

Once the police show up, the Cessna can fly away to any one of the thousands of unused airports across America, or land somewhere else. Just imagine secret hide away airfiled all across America, where no one can trust any plane they see in the sky!

Frigging awesome, IMO.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gagaism == Satanism

The Fall of Rome?
I think one needs to stress caution when talking about symbology. The Illuminati puts a lot of symbols into the media and conspiracy theorists point them out all the time. Yet, sometimes I feel this is just a ploy to keep the mind distracted with symbology instead of looking at the real things that they are doing to screw us, like the Federal Banking and endless wars. Nevertheless, when I saw this performance by Gaga, that combines the song 'born this way' and 'Judas' ( a song about Lucifer), I was taken aback. It's like seeing Rome come back from the gave to deliver a pagan ritual that fully envelopes the world we live in now, and maybe the world of Rome 2000 years ago before Jesus's friends shoved all this stuff under the rug, more or less.

To me this performance symbolizes the end times of this culture. A culture of secrecy that is to say. Not meny can see the similarities between this and hardcore paganism but a lot are waking up, faster then ever before. Soon people will look at this stuff and say: "Wow, and people didn't know this was all in worship of Lucifer?"  This culture may still exist in this coming world, that remains to be seen. However if Gagaism is still alive in the year 2020; I'm sure all her fans will be Satanists of some kind.

And everyone will know it.

Robert Steele P2P Uprising

They created the internet to control you, instead it will control them!

I understand that the Illuminati's plan has been in effect for more then 2000 years. Yet, I can't help but wonder how dedicated these people/monsters that know of these timetables really are to their faith. Most of them must be in it for the money, and some because they have a gun to their head. That doesn't seem like a good sign that people are dedicated to Lucifer's master plan. More then likely these con-men are going to start conning each other when the truth of what they have done starts to come to light.

It's going to be like one gigantic PR campaign that they will put into everything, to try and make you buy their crap but your just not going to have it and the system will eventually fall apart. Just you wait.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Alex Jones should be on FOX!

I love Alex Jones, he wakes up more people then anyone else. Sadly he is probably the greatest dis-info agent of all time.  Most belive he works for the Jesuits and I would tend to agree.

It's time for Alex Jones to take his rightful place on News World Order (I.E. Fox News) and become the real Glenn Beck that he is. They need the ratings, and in reality all Alex Jones dose is preoccupy people with fear so they don't do anything about the problem...

A few days ago he said WWIII was coming the same way he said in 2000 that the bombs are dropping! Now he says WWIII is the last 10 years of war in the middle east...  I could agree, but that's just an excuse to cover for being such a fear monger in the first place. In reality this mans job is to spread fear and cripple political action, don't play into his emotions. It's a trap, a real form of mind control that I fell victim to.

Definitely belongs on FOX News imo.

To give another prospective, lets Rap about it:

They nail Alex Jones, also notice there is no fear in the medium.
In other news the world is getting irradiated, the internet is not safe, the TSA is molesting people, Japan might need to be evacuated, The U.S. might trigger WWIII by it's own hypocrisy. They announced Planet X is real, and nobody seems to care. Genetically engineered crops have infected our way of life. Carbon Tax is a scam and...

Did you hear about Bitcoin?

Lulzsec, the probably government controlled hacking group, has declared war on all governments. After attacking the Bitcoin exchange MTGox 4-tah-lulz, they have set their sites on bigger targets. The CIA, the FBI, etc. Some members of Anonymous are going along with these planes and joining in the Lulz.

If successful we are likely to see a huge amount of goverment leaks in the coming weeks... specifically information that uncovers the stranger then fiction verity. But I doubt it.

More then likely this group is just going to keep releasing peoples user information, gaining mass hatred for hackers everywhere: forcing the government to regulate the internet of course.

Only time will tell, but Bitcoin is going to be key in fighting these Luciferin baby killers. If you ever wanted to fight the New World Order, this is a relatively low risk way to do it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Jesse Ventura "It's easy"

Friday might mark the day the economy collapses. It's obvious when we judge our elected officials by their actions, rather then their words, that they are doing this intentionally; Thus no one is trying to fix the problem. They're just trying to find reasons to not fix the problem. The NWO might try and crash our economy on Friday with the government shutdown turning into a full on economic catastrophe. Yet, they were planning on doing this far later then Friday... It seems they have stepped up their game in recent years. And now with so many people waking up to the facts of life. Their pushing harder then they ever have before.

In truth, they are doomed no matter what. Yet if they try and crash the economy this early; it's going to backfire.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Way hasn't Egypt invaded Libya?

It's unfortunate to see this revolution failing in Libya. Some crazy old man who is so obviously an Illuminati agent, whether he knows it or not, is using all his criminal resources to make sure he can hold on to power.

Word on the street is he's winning.

We know this revolution and Egypt are extremely connected, yet Egypt is unwilling to support their neighbors. This makes me think of that old saying: first you help yourself then you help your neighbor (or was it love). It's sad to think that all of Egypts efforts are going to go to wast because the idea of invading Libya, although it really should be called "supporting democracy", never integrated with the Egyptian people. Strangely enough a war is the best thing to kick a econamy back on track (assuming you win.), pulse they will be killing Illuminati agents in retrospect (although it would be nice if they just surrendered), so there is a moral value in fighting.

Although it is violent, but violence seems to be winning in Libya. If Eygpt invaded Lybya, they would trigger the most massive upraising the planet would ever see. Although it should be less of an invasion and more of a moral obligation that the army should take up if they are willing. No one should order the egpytion millitary to go to war, rather the military should ask their solders if they are solders. If they are, they can fight, if they aren't they can work on the home front.

Maybe this sounds crazy to you, but I just feel Eygpt needs to keep fighting or they can still lose, and the fight is happening right next door. Somehow, someway, Eygpt needs to pick itself up and go for round 2. I just feel that sadly their is no leadership that will stand up and say this. Their is no leader of this revolution, not that their needs to be, but this movement needs a direction and their is no one pointing and saying, with wisdom and foresight, what they should be doing.

They need to establish a new government, and government is judged  by it's ability to defend it's people. What better way to establish a new, true democracy, then by asking the people if they are willing to keep on fighting for freedom. Not because they have to, but because they want to?

What kinda of power an army would have, if each solder on the battlefield was not a pawn of some super commander sitting in an HQ 20 miles away, but rather was each individuals working together for the greater good because they choice to be there? It sounds like gods army to me. And gods army is exactly what we need right now to drag these satanic, devil worshiping, child murdering, physiological war bombing, mass murdering, blood drinking, black magick casting, slave trading, pig, doughs bags straight to hell.

You can call my foreign policy "radical" if you please.

As a side note, in relevance to what happened today, it's sad to point out that David Icke was right... again. But Hopefully people will start to see that, and actually pay some bloody attention to the man.

Friday, February 11, 2011

What form of goverment will Egypt elect?

Vary rare is it to see a successful revolution, especially one where the opposition uses non-violence to achieve victory. The big question that remains however is what will the government do now? How will Egypt be different? These questions are all things that the people must answer, yet at the same time it's a great opportunity to esstablish a new form of goverment that works with and for the people. Maybe even one that uses the internet in some special way.

One thing is undeniable, the people have learned they have the power and that alone will stop the Illuminati from trying to take back control. It is unlikely for this government to go anywhere but up, because the people simply will not stand for anything but equality. Yet the root of Egypt's problems lye with the fundamental power structure that is in place in this world. In order for the people to truly be free they must be aware of where manipulation is coming from and counter it. If they don't figure that out, they will be shooting blind when trying to establish a just and honest government.

No doubt the Illuminati are already hard at work trying to figure out which pawns they can move to regain control, more likely then not their attempts will backfire and only start reviling to the people their existence more and more.

It's a long road to victory but this is a major hit for them and if we keep on pushing they will not be able to survive.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A change in the tide?

Today the House blocked a bill to extend the Patriot Act, which really should be called the totally-not-patriot act because it blatantly disgraces the men and woman who died to protect this nation and what it stands for. Thanks in part to 55,000 signatures, and calls to representatives, myself included, we have successfully made a small victory in the overthrow of this dictatorship. Not only was this thought to be impossible but it shows a key truth in the change of the tide, that helped create this blog in the first place. The pressure is on, and more and more people are waking up to the truth. As this number grows and grows the Illuminati is powerless to stop the masses from taking action. Gone are the days when people would believe the lies and propaganda from Illuminati allies.

If you want to help fight the good fight, go here and sign up: Link

There is still time for non-violence, but we need to stand together and we need to stand NOW! Be a true patriot and appose the patriot act. Lets make America live up to its potential!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

David Icke, ftw!

The thing I find so interesting is just how ridiculous lizard people running the world, sounds. It's insane, right?

Actually, David Icke has been right more then wrong, and a lot of what he said is actually coming true:

Now, before anyone calls him the "sun of god", lets remember, Bill Cooper predicted 9-11 ten weeks before it happened! It wasn't because he was being guided by an unknowable force of love, as David seems to portray. It was simply because Bill Cooper used critical thinking and was able to get a hold of a lot of information. This gave him a picture of how the Illuminati think. He wasn't any different then you or me, he was simply free of the illusion that we can trust TV.

Lets not make any conspiracy theorist our god, instead lets make our own inner conspiracy theorist that we trust because we created it.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Understanding where we stand and the JFK Assassin.

Sometimes the best place to keep a secret is in plain sight. Nowhere dose this point drive home more then when I think about who, really, killed JFK. If the people will never consider something, then you can show them the truth and they will refuse to believe it. Realize, what I'm going to suggest is going to upset some of you, but I feel I have indisputable proof of who really killed JFK, and no it wasn't Oswald the lucky rabbit.

Now, I doubt some of you are seeing the same thing I'm seeing, clear as day, from this shot. But what I'm getting at is, Jackie Kennedy is, in fact, the worlds greatest assassin. Some of you probably think I'm crazy. How could I suggest such a unpatriotic and unamerican idea? Well, how about some more proof? How about a gray scale that shows the ploom of smoke from the gun she fired?

Blood is heavy, it dosen't flout around in the air.  Whatever that is in the air, it's not JFKs blood, it's something much lighter, like smoke.

Finally look at this, you've seen it a million times, but never with the realization of who the killer actully is.
The most important part is how JFKs head explodes and in what direction we can see the bullet exiting. I know, it's hard to look, but you need to look, to understand. It's clearer then it's ever been, Jakie Kennedy killed President Kennedy, her husband, and got away with it. You must be able to see this?

Don't you?

Actually if you were born in a post WWII era, chances are that you don't believe me. Even though I have show you enough evidence to make someones head explode... (no pun intended). This actually brings me to my second great conspiracy, a mass campaign of demoralization by the KGB on post WWII America.

Only 10 to 15% of the KGBs resources where actually spent on espionage, the other 85-90% of the KGBs efforts where spent on a massive campaign of brainwashing on the American people. This brainwashing was so successful that almost any person born in this era will refuse to believe me when I tell them, Jackie O, killed JFK. In fact they might even become emotionally unstable because of what I am saying. If you are angry, I ask you, set your anger aside and look at what I am showing you without emotion. We must look at things without the intention to place blame, if we are ever going to save ourselves.

Here are some youtubes on this topic. One is a KGB defector, that few believed, talking about the KGB brainwashing, and a psychologist backing this theory.  

Now, I'm not saying you are brainwashed. But if you can't see Jackie Kennedy killing John F. Kennedy then, yes. I am suggesting to you that you have been brainwashed and you need to reflect on yourself before you can really understand how things are.

It is vary important to understand that this is how the Illuminati works. They are smarter, better educated, and have more resources then you or me can ever possibly imagine. They are always one step ahead and until we realize who is really controlling everything, they will remain in power. They are masters of physiological warfare. The Amarican people are being manipulated but the people doing the manipulation are also being manipulated.

It's a pyramid and the people directly under the top, probably don't even know who their working for, they might even think they came up with the idea themselves (That's what some might call the "art" part of a con-artiest). Everyone in JFKs car must have know what was going to happen because the gun shot would have been too close to them for them to not know it was Jackie. Or perhaps they where programed not to believe it. Ether way, if Jackie Kennedy killed JFK, what kind of world are we living in? One that is vary well controlled, that's for sure.

The key is that the Illuminati use psychological programing to make us think what they want us to think. That is how they control, until we understand this, we are lost in a endless debate where one side knows it's true, but they can't prove it, and the other side thinks their right when their not. It's our vary thoughts that are controlling us, so we need to be careful before we jump to conclusions or give to much creed to our emotions.

I would like to leave you with something Kennedy said. The speech is taken slightly out of context, but I think if Kennedy was alive today this is how he would say what he did say back then.

A quest for answers.

I have spent a long time debating, to myself, whether a secret shadow government exists or not. Starting at a young age with games like Metal Gear Solid 2 and other material, the allure of the idea that the world is really controlled by a handful of men has always fascinated me. In my quest to find answers, the only real tool at my disoposle was and still is, the internet. Over years of asking this question and always feeling like there was some truth to it, but was never really finite on my decision, I always felt a bit out of place. A lone wolf in high school, I never really had a social group or vary many friends. And the idea of talking about this always scared me because of the idea I might get in trouble with "them". Call me paranoid, but it didn't take me long to realize that anyone who believes this and speaks out about it generally gets the full frontal force of public ridicule.

However recent events, particularly this new kind of revolution we are seeing in Egypt and other parts of the world, has given me the courage to finally speak out. It has become all too obvious to me that the people are not just revolting ageist the tyranny of their government but that of the New World Order as well. It's not just the government of Egypt thats corrupt, it's the entire system of control that has dehumanized the people and created these 3ed world countries in the first place that is corrupted. Yet the way this is done is so ingenuous that when you get part of the picture, you find out that vast amounts of the population, even people in power, probably don't know that their actions are being manipulated. It is manipulation at the highest degree, and when I realized this about a year ago, I thought no one would ever figure it out.

Looks like I was wrong, way wrong!

Why do you think that these revolutionaries wright their signs in english? Why do you think that they are flashing the hand gesture, V, for world peace? Which symbolically is a sign of a pyramid turned upside down and on its head. I have even heard reports of Egyptian rioters taging government posters and walls with the symbol of a V, for victory. A campaign, started in France during Nazi occupation, that was recently reinvigorated by Alex Jones & company not too long before the riots happened.

It's because these people know the truth, and the truth is setting them free. These revolutions are like nothing the world has ever seen before. It's as if the people have taken non-violence and turned it into a weapon to overthrow the government. No revolution I have ever heard of has had so few fatalities. How amazing it is to see this happening in Egypt, a place where the last standing wonders of the ancient world still stand as a symbol of the Illuminates power. Yet even with all the governments power and military aid, they can't do a thing to stop the determination of the people. The people are mad as hell and they aren't going to take it anymore, that's what triggered the revolt.

I would imagine the highest levels of the elite are pissing their pants right now, and it's about time. The probability of this spreading all across the world is higher then you think, and the possibilities of this happening here is America is almost an inevitability, when the economy tanks next year.

I almost can't believe I'm saying this but, I believe David Icke was right when he recently said there is going to be a globule awakening. (link: Part 1, Part 2) The actions of the people in Egypt are out of this realization. They know who really has the power and the only reason the government was allowed to boss them around was because they gave up their power. But all of that is changing.

I started this blog to talk about this change, that I now truly believe is coming, and how it will affect our world. Revolutions are extremely unpredictable and the chances for the elite to clamp down on the few is too great to justify apathy. The time is now and we must speak out, we must tell the truth and the reality of the situation is that the truth is vary hard to find. I believe in the people of Egypt and wish them a thousand years of happiness in a new democracy. One that works for the people by the people. Let us stand with the people of Egypt, for democracy, for freedom. And let us embrace a future where freedom is not defined by what someone else tells us freedom is, but by what we define it as with our hearts.

Thank you, and good luck.