Apperntly, a few day ago the world had the largest protest ever. Not really a big surprise, this was a known factor to most who fallow the Illuminati and have some fundamental understanding of what their plans are. Hopefully something good will come out of this, but I'm not optimistic. Parts of these protests have clearly been staged by the Illuminati and the cry's for socialism from ignorant overweight lesbians make me cringe at what's to come.
People seem to think that it's something new that Wall St. has control of our representatives in washington. To be precise, it is the Knights of Malta (Rockefeller, Rothschild, JP Morgen, BofA, Case, Wells Fargo, etc.) that have control of the Federal Reserve Banking System because they are it's share holders. The Fed is the bank that owns America; that's has been a fact since 1930. Via the Fed, they control the economy by controlling the money supply. That's how Wall St. controls D.C.
Still our representatives are just a nefarious, even Ron Paul is a vatican supporter. You can't trust any of them. So how is it even possible to have a soultion come out of this that is any good, when the entire system is built on lies? The difference between the truth and the lies has become indistinguishable. People think they are spewing truth to lies when in fact they are just propagating what someone else's message was. Even what I say is just based on the massive amount of information I keep digging up on the internet. I could be a dis-info agent!
But even if I'm not optimistic about these protests, I am optimistic about the future. The Illuminati will be exposed in my lifetime, I am sure of it. The only real question we need to answer is "What do we do when we win?" Someone once said "The only real vengeance is to live well." I think that is the idea, we need to make a world where everyone lives well: that would be the ultimate vengeance ageist the Illuminati.
In the mean time Gorge Sorose is paying for free pizza, so sit back, grab a snack and enjoy the show.
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